Cottage cheese cookies

HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I’m back. We just got to move in to our Hanukkah present from God! (Our new house.) So yay!


And in this happy time I’m going to post about happy things, happy things like my favorite cookies! (I know the name sounds weird but the cookies taste NOTHING LIKE CHEESE! HONEST!)

Here’s the recipe!

Cottage cheese cookies-


1 1/3 cups butter

3  cups sugar


4 eggs

4 tsp. vanilla extract

– beat until fluffy


2 cups small curd cottage cheese – mix well


5 1/2 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

The dough should be incredibly stick so don’t be alarmed by the sticky-ness.

Drop lumps of the dough into a bowl of powdered sugar and roll them around in it until they’re completely coated. They should be somewhat ball-shaped after you do this but if not, they spread out in the oven. you can stick nuts into the top if you like nuts like I do.

Bake at 375 for 10 minutes.

That’s the recipe! (And warning! I’m not sure if you noticed the 5 1/2 CUPS of flour! This makes a HUGE batch! I live in a family of 11 though so it’s not REALLY that big. I made them today and 1 batch of big cookies makes 6 cookie sheets full.)

You have been properly warned.

Have fun with making them!

What’s your favorite type of cookie?




5 thoughts on “Cottage cheese cookies

  1. Yum! Those sound AMAZING, I’ll have to make them ASAP. 🙂 I’m so glad you guys got to move into your new house! (We’re going to move into ours tomorrow. :D)

    P.S. tell Bo, Gidge, and Cyrus happy early/late birthday from us! ❤

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